Alone….or lonely??

Have you ever watched a movie alone???

Ever gone to eat at your favorite restaurant with just yourself?

Ever strolled about the markets enjoying your own company?

Ever had that hot coffee or that decadent chocolate pastry with just them for company?

Ever sat at an airport without poring into your mobile and just watched the walks, talks and different flitting expressions of fellow travellers?

Ever saw a monument, a lake, a beach or a mountain just through your own eyes, without the expressions and reactions of a companion??

There is something about spending time just with oneself.

You can either hate it or love it!

Alone can be lonely for someone and a total rejuvenation for someone else!

It all depends on how happy or comfortable you are with your own thoughts. 

The more creative and positive thoughts you have, the more enjoyable your own company would be.

I’ve come across people who just can’t spend a day without meeting or greeting other people. Their socializing borders on obsessive necessity. They feel constricted, choked and suffocated if they don’t go out of their house to meet others. 

I’ve always wondered on this obsessive need to constantly be in some other human being’s company. 

Is it to run away from one’s thoughts?

Is it to constantly remind others of our presence so that they don’t forget us?

Is it because we have a lot to showoff – knowledge, jewellery, clothes, stature and so on and we need an audience for it?

Or is it simply because we just don’t know or have doubts that we can be entertaining?

I have discovered that the most interesting, entertaining, illuminating and positive thoughts and inspiration come when we are with ourselves. That’s the only time we actually bother to peep in, as we aren’t busy peeping into the lives and thoughts of others.

Looking inwards lead me to a lot of self-discovery. I realised that so many things that I had been doing for so many years believing that those were what I loved; in reality I detested them but never had time to think otherwise, and so many things, places, tastes and styles that I never gave a second thought to; they were what interested and charmed me the most!

I discovered my inner talents, dreams and aspirations when I sat with myself and delved deep. Being constantly surrounded by people and talks never gave me a chance to turn my eyes inwards.

There is a reason perhaps that we are born alone and die alone. It’s the middle that we pepper with people, noises and voices.

They too are necessary for living in the world, but sometimes connecting with oneself is what gives the most peace.

As Mandy Hale says, “There is nothing more empowering or freeing than learning to like your own company”

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