What is in a name

Shakespeare once said, “What’s in a name”!!
Come to think of it,a name has the power to hold or dispel the attention…

I wanted to know what a “Rhododendron” or a “Chrysanthemum” flower looked like..Were they as gargantuan as their names?
Now a”Rose” or a “Jasmine” sounds sweet, just as the smell, a “Dahlia” and a “Primrose” pronounce exotic, while a “Periwinkle” or a “Lily” conjure velvety euphoria…

How would a “Satyendra Prasanna Singh” sound on a Toddler and wouldn’t a “Chotu” conjure up a picture of a baby, rather than a wrestler??

It’s easier to imagine the colour of a “Goldfish” or the ferocity and sharp jaws of a “Shark”… But “Oval” as a stadium or “Universal” as a studio sounds strange…..
“Shaktiprasad” as a peon and “Fakirchand” as a millionaire….again incomprehensible!!!!
A Boy Band named “Queen” or a fairytale named”Rumplestelskin”…aren’t they mindboggling???
A little bit of more black in “Grey” and tiny bit of more white in “Silver”….but aren’t they both the amalgamation of black and white??

Sharkespeare could not himself “shake”and “spear”, yet gave the most famous catchphrase of modern era….
It makes my “feather brain” lighter and more muddled and I come quite close to “Losing my marbles”….But aren’t they something to play with??

Before things go out of “hand” and I put my “foot in my mouth”, let me stop my writing and go back to doing what I’m best at….
Muse with my feather brain!!!!!!


A single syllable word…
Which has the capacity to break hearts, stop wars, reduce a child to tears, nip an atrocity in it’s bud, prevent a catastrophe, end a relationship…
It can…

Make or break,

Unite or divide,

Create or destroy,

enlighten or throw in the pit of despair…

All in just a syllable…

Isn’t the power of words amazing!All that we are, all that we have, all that we become and all that we perceive…It’s all so much dependent on the beating of the eardrum…No other sense organ has so much control over the heart or the mind of the human body…Neither does any word effect the senses as much as this word…






There are those who use this like an anthem, spraying and flying it around like kisses…And there are others who can’t emit them out of their beaks…it’s like their voice, which can belt out the word, gets stuck in their larynx…
How easy or difficult is it to say it…”N…..O…”….Voila!!!! It’s done…Then why does this one word encompass the whole chemical computation of the brain!! Everything the person is made up of!!
Too difficult for my feather-brain to comprehend…Yes or No…..?????

My Besties

Today again they smiled at me…They smile whenever I smile, mirroring my joys, my happiness and my ecstasy…
No pleasure or pain of mine is hidden from them, they tag along with all movements of my face, however minute, however subtle…
They happened to be with me right from the beginning, but now, as time flies by, their footsteps become more profound and noticeable…
Sometimes dancing with my eyes, other times crinkling with my nose, curving with my lips…They are omnipresent…
My besties, my confidants, my buddies in every prank or every mistake that I ever made…
They are etched in every small line of my face, more majestically around my caramel orbs, shrinking and expanding with every facial maneuver… stretching down jauntily beside my laughing mouth and extending towards my rumbling throat…
They are the sentinels of my joys and hardships, of my pain and pleasures, of my agony and bliss…
As I travel further than my birth date, they are my constant companions…
My soulmates, my WRINKLES!!!

They make my face curvy and prominent, defining my features and adding to it all the wisdom or follies that I have traveled through and about…They let me know how much I have laughed and enjoyed the intricacies of life,How much I have chatted incessantly about all things under the sun, whether banal, mundane or interesting…How much I have Lived and Loved Life…
So, as a lover of passion fruit juice, I would like to raise a toast to all the passions, whether positive or negative, that my Crinkly lines encompass…
Cheers, dear Wrinkles!!!